
Best Books On Addiction Recovery

Everything is Horrible and Wonderful is written by Harris’s sister, Stephanie, about his tragic death and the aftermath of losing her younger brother who was her best friend and also an addict. Whether living or lost, our loved ones are always part of the picture. I could not put this book down , talk about gut-wrenching honesty and not holding anything back. When I worked in beauty, Cat was a beauty editor at Lucky and, so I knew of her. I found this book uncomfortable at times and very funny at other times. It is the real deal and Cat is a talented writer, but most of all a survivor.The book also reveals that addiction is a treatable disease instead of a moral failing. Looking at addiction in this way creates very different methods of treatment. Instead of working at it from an ethical angle or as a question of character, we can treat the disease instead. By Erica Spiegelman focuses on personal power as a way of overcoming addiction. It focuses on self-actualization, which is realizing your potential and talents.Her struggle is beautifully portrayed, and you also get to emerge with her on the other side once she regains her sobriety once more. After quitting her career in order to dedicate more of her time to her family, Clare Pooley found herself depressed and feeling sluggish with a daily drinking habit to keep her company. She often wondered if she was an alcoholic but was afraid of the answer. It’s a beautifully told story about how alcohol seduced her at fourteen and secretly subjugated her through her university years and most of her award-winning career.

Addiction professionals often look to this literature to understand better what their patients are going through and how they can best support them. We are pleased to support our trusted regional partner in care, Reasons Eating Disorder Center, with services treating substance abuse and eating disorders.

Futures Recovery

Since the brain has an infinite ability to adapt, there is never drug to satisfy the person. Never Enough is a fascinating book written by an expert who experimented with many substances in her early years. She is now a professor of psychology at Bucknell University. George’s daughter Terry was found frozen to death in Madison, Wisconsin in December of 1994. Her blood-alcohol level was higher than three times the legal limit. Allen is a master at removing the psychological triggers that lead to drinking. He explains why the benefits people believe they are getting from drinking alcohol are fictitious.Through humor and honesty, Amy’s account shows how no one is immune to this disease and the work it takes to fight back. There are many well-known autobiographical books about people’s own struggles with addiction. These books often provide a close look at what addiction is and what it’s like to live with it. Some books talk about addictions in general while others are written specifically for a particular addiction in mind. We think as we’re getting sober, in spite of the fact that by the time we quit drinking, we’re not typically leading very glamorous lives.

Setting boundaries is healthy for the family member as well as the addict. I strongly recommend reading this book if you believe you are in a codependent relationship. The list I have created sidesteps books that glorify addiction. I have not listed books describing the lives of rock stars or movie stars. The goal is to create a helpful list for anyone who needs it. Some of the books on this list are instructional, and others are informational. Macy interviews doctors who were sounding the alarm early about liberal prescribing of OxyContin, mothers whose children died of an overdose, people who have used and sold drugs, and many more.

Addiction & Recovery

You don’t need to agree with all of Gabor Maté’s theories to see that he has brought a level of hope and humanity to the conversation surrounding addiction. Learn more about addiction with scientific insights and personal recovery stories. He comes from the book publishing world and, again, was someone who was successful and smart, but in active addiction. He lost trust of people around him and in his field, but through sobriety he has been able to regain that trust and help many people along the way. Another book by the same author, The Language of Letting Go, has been a staple in the recovery world since its publication in 1990. In this book, the author incorporates her own life experiences and recovery reflections in a daily meditation book. This collection also deals with codependency and how we struggle with it.They wonder throughout whether they’re overdoing it … and order another round anyway. When the cycle of druggy nights and hardcore hangovers starts getting to Laura, their bond must be reevaluated. The cost of survival … Oprah Winfrey as Sethe in the 1998 film version of Beloved. A darkly comic, honest, and completely relatable inside look at high-functioning addiction in the world of corporate law-a sort of ‘Sex and the Psych Ward.’ It’s inspiring, informative, and impossible to put down. SMART Recovery offers more than a dozen handbooks and manuals for participants, volunteers and specialized audiences – featuring the 3rd edition of the SMART Recovery Handbook. BrightView offers comprehensive outpatient treatment that can help you reclaim your life. Is the story of love, loss, and Starbucks as a Higher Power.I highly recommend this book for anyone struggling with alcohol. The book discusses one justification for drinking alcohol in each chapter. That reasoning is then refuted with common sense and medical data. A warning that the book contains both physical and sexual violence.

Books That Empower Opiate Addiction Recovery

Lisa Smith is the epitome of control… except when she is not. Beneath her perfect life and incredible success hides a girl who thought she had cheated her way out of her anxiety and stress via alcohol, but now has completely surrendered to the powers of this magical liquid. You could never tell, but she is the perfect example of a high-functioning alcoholic who looks like everything is perfect, even when it clearly isn’t. She’s just someone who uses alcohol to muster up courage, and well, survive life.Maybe these stories can help another young woman out there. This book explores the next fifteen years of her life, including the various lies that she told herself, and others, about her drug use. With tons of heart and wisdom, Khar eventually helps readers recognize the shame and stigma surrounding addiction and how there is no one path to recovery. At the end of the day, you’ll want to devour this book because it is ultimately a life-affirming story of resilience that is a must-read.The best books on addiction teach us about the commonalities of the disease and the fact that a great number of people ultimately do recover. Here are list of five addiction and recovery books we’ve been referencing and recommending lately. According to Futures Case Manager Katie Dalo, this is a book every person on the planet should read a minimum of 10 times. As Katie describes the book, “it’s about radical acceptance, that you are perfectly imperfect and it’s o-freakin-k! ” Researcher Brene Brown has become immensely popular over the past handful of years, due in large part to her excellent TED Talks about vulnerability and shame. Wherever you are on your journey to recovery, this practical guide to dealing with emotional and psychological challenges is here to help. Clinical psychologist Lisa M. Najavits imparts her three decades of experience treating patients to create this research-based manual.

This is just how it has always been since her introduction to Southern Comfort when she was just fourteen. This is a darkly comic book about the slow road through recovery, really growing up, and being someone that gets back up after screwing up. By day, she’s a successful editor, but by night she’s a party girl who can’t sleep.Also includes advice from 100 of the world’s top addiction experts to shape your self-care strategy during recovery, making it one of the most comprehensive books on addiction and recovery. We believe in providing a personalized approach to addiction treatment, so you can get the help you need. It takes guts to admit that you have an addiction to drugs or alcohol . It takes even more guts to seek the help you need to recover. These twenty-six authors have shown incredible bravery and resilience in sharing their most painful experiences and deepest vulnerabilities in public as they recount their roads to recovery. Allen’s story of being a young woman in a teenage marriage that eventually runs away to Cincinnati, where she begins the destructive pattern of weekend partying and drinking, is a powerful tale.

Im Black And Im Sober: The Timeless Story Of A Womans Journey Back To Sanity By Chaney Allen

Black Out, a memoir by Sarah Hepola, is a funny, sad portrayal of an unstoppable, unattached, driven woman who early on mistakes recklessness with feminism and freedom. But her sassy wine-drenched sisterhood quickly cascades into a life of forgotten staircases and stranger’s air mattresses. Hepola’s appealing, smart slumber party voice and achingly honest observations of her own progressive alcoholism are at once heartbreaking and deliciously funny. Your call is confidential, and there’s no pressure to commit to treatment until you’re ready. As a voluntary facility, we’re here to help you heal — on your terms. Our sole focus is getting you back to the healthy, sober life you deserve, and we are ready and waiting to answer your questions or concerns 24/7.

Brown identifies ten“guideposts”in wholehearted people’s lives. This is not a long book, but it does cover how to be happy with ourselves. I believe this is an excellent read for any recovering addict. It can help change how we all feel about the expectations placed on us. We are all important and are put on this earth for a specific reason.

The Sober Diaries: How One Woman Stopped Drinking And Started Living By Clare Pooley

So, we asked our alumni which books impacted their recovery and now we are sharing the list with you. For those seeking addiction treatment for themselves or a loved one, the helpline is a private and convenient solutions.