
7 Ways Creativity Supports Addiction Recovery

Some of these feelings may not have been felt or recognized in many years. Placing them safely into the confines of creative expression can allow individuals to heal. The focus on the different activities revolving around creative expression helps people who are uncomfortable putting their thoughts and feelings into words into a creative approach. Then, their thoughts and feelings can be understood through their art. Finding ways to fill your free time and connect with people can be a scary prospect when you first enter recovery.

In the video below, somatic psychologist and dance/movement therapist Dr. Jennifer Tantia explains how she used movement to transform her client’s anxiety into a sense of agency. If you art therapy for addiction ideas prefer to cut and paste rather than draw or paint, these projects are for you. Art can not only help you deal with the bad stuff, but also help you appreciate and focus on the good.

Dual Diagnosis: Mental Health and Addiction Treatment?

Discuss how treatments for physical illnesses – like broken bones or infections – are similar to treatments for psychological illnesses like addiction. Brainstorm ideas for the ideal hospital or retreat to provide you with mental and emotional healing. Think of emotional problems you face, such as depression or a bad temper.

Themes could include family, emotions, identity, hopes, relationships, dreams, or the future. Some of your clients may feel more comfortable building or creating using clay, yarn, or Lego. Others might prefer drawing using markers, an ink pen, crayons, or paints.

Mimic Famous Artist

Ask the group to visualize themselves lost at sea in a storm at night. Just as they are starting to lose hope, they see a glimmer of light. Rowing hard, they use it to guide them to shore, where they are given dry clothes, a hot meal, and a cozy place to sleep. Imprint this image in your mind, or perhaps even draw a picture of it, so you can use it again for guidance in your real life. The first person creates a simple beat, and the rest of the group follows suit, repeating the pattern and adding their embellishments.

Instead of asking them all to draw something similar with one art medium, try coming up with a theme or prompt and giving them the freedom to choose which medium they’d like to use. While substance use disorders have long been viewed as primarily affecting men, women, transgender, and non-binary individuals also suffer from addiction at high rates. Meanwhile, trust an electronic health record like TenEleven to manage the day-to-day of your organization’s administrative duties. With TenEleven handling everything from scheduling appointments, managing your revenue cycle, and reporting, you’re able to truly focus on dipping your brush in the paints and maximize patient care. If you are struggling with addiction, it may seem like there is no end to it.

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Guide the group to take a few deep, slow, grounding breaths before beginning this exercise. Ask them to be aware of the sensations in their foot, ankle, legs, and entire body as they attempt to remain balanced. Ask them to notice any trembling or shaking and to pay attention to the thoughts or possibly fears that come up. After a few minutes, end the exercise and allow everyone to share their experience. These can all be great opportunities to deepen the practice of coming back to breath after being pulled away.